• 13,8 billion USD this is estimated amount of money to be spent globally on Influencer marketing in 2021 - 40% increase vs 2020 (9,8 billion USD)
  • 24% of Polish companies is planning to spend the same amount of money on Influencer marketing in 2021 vs 2020
  • 35% of Polish companies will invest 10%-20% more in Influencer marketing in 2021 vs 2020
  • 10% of brands will invest 100% more in Influencer marketing in 2021 vs 2020

We will analyze your business needs and competition in Poland to come up with fast and efficient way to build your brand and sales.
All with the use of top notch Influencer marketing campaigns.

Macro data from Poland, 2021 :

  • 27% of Polish brands did not cooperate with Influencers during last 6 months
  • More than 50% of questioned Influencer marketing specialists claim they DID NOT work with more than 5 influencers in 6 months time.
  • 20% of respondents cooperated with 6 Influencers or more.
  • 70% of Generation Y (born between 1980 – 2000) use YouTube as their main source of information
  • 90% of Generation Z (2001-) looks for information mainly on YouTube

Polish brands most frequently choose these social media platforms in 2021:

  • Instagram: 71%
  • Facebook: 46%
  • Bloggers: 34%
  • YouTube: 15%
  • Tik Tok: 6%
  • LinkedIn: 3%

When a brand decides to run a campaign, they choose Influencers according to their size (number of followers on their social media accounts).
Micro, Medium and Nano influencers are chosen most often.

  • Micro  – 51%
  • Medium – 44%
  • Nano – 29%
  • Stars – 16%
  • Superstars - 3%

When organizing Influencer campaigns, Polish companies are aiming at:

  • Increasing product/brand awareness (55%)
  • Increasing sales (32%)
  • SEO (18,5%)
  • Generating website traffic (17%)
  • Other (14%)

Changes in Influencer marketing that we expect to happen in 2021:

  • Medium, micro & nano influencers will be on the rise
  • Expenditures on stars & superstars will slightly decrease
  • Brands will increase their Influencer marketing budgets by 20% - 30%

Sources: ”Raport z badania: Rynek influencerów w Polsce w roku 2021“, own research